Sightseeing Bus.


The company BILBOKO HIRIBUS JASANGARRIA, S.L. (BIOBIDE) provides the sightseeing bus services of Bilbao (BILBAO CITY VIEW).

We work with the objective of improving our services at a daily basis, and to provide excellent services during your city tour with us.

Today we are delighted to announce our Charter of Services. This Charter follows the guidelines of the UNE 93200 Standard certified by AENOR.

This Charter gathers all the commitments we take to ensure you enjoy a quality service and everything you may be expecting from us in your City View tour.


1. You will enjoy the maximum comfort standards during your tour.

2. You will travel safe with us.

3. We will provide in-time, reliable services.

4. You will easily find all the information available on our services.

5. We will always be on your side, providing a kind, professional service.

6. We will be committed to our Community.


Enjoy your tour with us.


1. You will enjoy the maximum comfort standards during your City View tour.

We want to be at the forefront of our sector.


We are committed to renew 100% of the regular service fleet, adding brand-new vehicles in 2020. 


We commit to keep a satisfaction score above 7, and not below 6, on a scale from 0 to 10 in the perception that users have on the comfort of our buses.


Buses are fitted with an individual audio-guide system providing detailed information at the key spots of the itinerary. An independent entity conducts comprehensive audits at a monthly basis of the audio-guide devices, checking the proper functioning of all the devices. We are committed to ensure that at least 90% of the audio-guides audited at a year basis are correct, and that in any case the result should not fall below 90% in three consecutive months, in which case the relevant corrective measures will be applied to solve the gap.


Cleaning and maintenance of the buses 


Our bus maintenance and cleaning services purse to ensure maximum comfort to all users.


An independent entity conducts comprehensive audits of our vehicles a monthly basis, checking the proper functioning of all the equipment. We are committed to ensure that at least 98% of the vehicles monthly inspected are SUITABLE (rated, as a minimum, with 8 out of 10), and that in any case the result should not fall below 95%, in which case the relevant corrective measures will be applied to solve the gap.


Also, we commit to keep a satisfaction score above 7, and not below 6, on a scale from 0 to 10 in the perception that users have on the comfort of our buses.


2. You will travel safe with us.

Because your safety is our top priority.


We operate ensuring the strictest safety protocols, not only enforcing comprehensive maintenance plans in our fleet, but also focusing on >continued selection, recruiting and training of our staff.


100% of our drivers are assessed every 3 years through a process to test theoryknowledge and skills, and a driving test is conducted. The assessments are conducted by certified training staff, and the potential actions to be taken will be defined to correct any potential gaps or failures identified.

Also, we are committed to conduct regular sessions of training, and to raise awareness on safety training addressed to drivers and maintenance staff.


We conduct regular mystery-shopper inspections to check the safety standards of our drivers behind the wheel, particularly a strict compliance with the traffic rules or avoiding distractions, like using mobile phones while driving. We are committed that 100% of the inspections conducted at a year basis are successful and that, in any case, the result is not below 95%, in whose case the relevant corrective measures to solve the gap will be applied.


Safety equipment on board


All recently added vehicles are fitted with the latest safety devices. 


Our objective is that our passengers have a safe travelling experience with us. We are committed to keep a satisfaction score above 7, and not below 6, on a scale from 0 to 10, on how our passengers perceive the comfort of our buses.


Our services are scored at a yearly basis by AENOR, a certified external entity certifying the suitability of our services and that they meet with the requirements of the safety International Routes as the UNE ISO 39001 in Road Safety Management System and the UNE ISO 39001 standard of the Road Safety International Standard and the UNE ISO 22320 about Management of Emergencies.


3. We will provide in-time, reliable services.

Committed to provide a quality service.


To ensure further reliability of our operations, all our fleet is fitted with the required technology to ensure an on-going monitoring of our vehicles. 


We pay special attention to in-time departures from our main transport hubs.


We commit to keep a satisfaction score above 7, and not below 6, on a scale from 0 to 10 in the perception that users have on the punctuality of our buses.


4. You will easily find all the information in our services. 

We offer you a wide range of information and sales channels.


Passengers will always find accurate information about our services. This information is updated at a regular basis through the following channels:


• A multi-language website providing information and ticket sale services,

• On-site customer service desk for our passengers, located at the street Licenciado Pozas, with on-site customer service provided in Spanish, Basque and English. Opening Hours from Monday to Friday: 7.00-20.00, Saturdays: 9.00-20.00, Sundays and Public Holidays: 9.00-14.00.

• 4 ticket sales desks providing on-site customer service, located at the following areas of the city: 

o Plaza San Pedro (Deusto). Opening Hours from Monday to Friday: 7.00-20.30, Saturdays: 7.00-13.45, July and August from Monday to Saturday: 7.00-13.45.

o Puente Arenal. Opening Hours from Monday to Friday: 7.00-20.30, Saturdays: 7.00-13.45, July and August from Monday to Saturday: 7.00-13.45.

o Gran Vía / Plaza Circular. Opening Hours from Monday to Friday: 7.00-20.30, Saturdays: 7.00-13.45.

o Plaza Rekalde (C/Gordóniz). Opening Hours from Monday to Friday: 7.00-20.30, Saturdays: 7.00-13.45.

• Multi-lingual call centre service available in 6 languages. 24/7 phone number: 94 685 50 00 (94 479 09 81 out of in-person opening ours).

• Information and sale on board the bus.

• Updated permanent information at the sightseeing bus stops.



We are committed to attend at least 98% of the total calls taken at the in-person office per month are at least 98% of the total received in the opening hours, and in any case that this percentage is not below 95%, in which case the relevant corrective measures will be taken.


5. We will always be on your side, providing a kind, professional service.

We provide a kind, respectful customer service.


We ensure that our rules and customer service standards are strictly observed that regular mystery shopper audits on board our services are conducted, and a comprehensive monitoring of incidents is carried.


We commit to keep our scores above 7, and not below 6, on a scale from 0 to 10 in the perception that our users have regarding the service provided by our drivers and by the staff working on the sale desks and customer service offices.



We address their claims and concerns within a 15-working day deadline since reception. 

We are committed to ensure that at least 100% of the monthly claims are replied to within the scheduled deadline. In any case, this will not be below 100% in three consecutive months, in which case the relevant corrective measures will be applied to solve the gap.


Accessible travel for everyone.


The new fleet will feature, within the deadlines set above, up to 4 special seats for baby carriers, wheel chairs or scooters meeting with the maximum measures accepted.


Also, all vehicles are fitted with a mobile ramp and a low-floor system to facilitate access to wheelchairs, baby carriers and people with reduced mobility, and reserved seats for people with reduced mobility and disabilities.


We provide personal service to users requiring it at our in-person customer service office. This is an accessible office with a tailored service and a magnetic induction loop.


Our Map´s Voice service is available for our passengers at the customer service desk and on board. This provides updated information on timetables, fares, itineraries, historical monuments, etc. 


You will also find a map in Braille with the description of the itinerary on board our vehicles and at the customer service desk.


Also, a sign language video-interpreting service into Spanish has been enabled to ensure that people with hearing impairments have the same access to the information as the rest of our passengers. Please access this service on our website, or at our customer service desk.


All our drivers and the people working at the customer service desk and ticket sale kiosks can provide you information on services for people with disabilities or reduced mobility.


In BIOBIDE our aim is to create an accessible transport service which is inclusive of all our customers, regardless their age or mobility conditions. Our objective is to ensure that all our customers enjoy our services with the same standards of safety, equality and comfort, with the highest autonomy as possible. For this purpose, we commit to keep a satisfaction score above 7, and not below 6, on a scale from 0 to 10 in the perception that users have on the accessibility for people with reduced mobility on our buses.


Our services have been designed complying with the Universal Accessibility Standards, as the Standard UNE 170.001, and being certified by AENOR.

6. We will be committed to our Community.

We keep working to improve social conditions.


BIOBIDE is active in the communities we serve to generate economic, social and environmental value.

In this context, we implemented a management and improvement system of the Corporate Social Responsibility in compliance with th international standard IQNet SR10, having in place the AENOR Certification certified by this compliance.


Also, as a part of the group ALSA, BIOBIDE is included in the Sustainability Reportthat the company publishes every year, gathering the main actions on this matter. This Report meets the certification criteria of GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), and its compliance is also verified by AENOR. 


BIOBIDE also works in the design and implementation of strategies and family responsible practices. Our management model as a Family responsible Company meets with the standard EFR 1000-1 developed by the Foundation Masfamilia,and is certified by AENOR.



We are committed to the environment.


We are environmentally friendly and contribute to reducing greenhouse emissions by promoting the use of public transport and by adding more efficient fleet in the market, the use of clean energies and the implementation of programmes to reduce consumption.



BILBAO CITY VIEW services are evaluated and checked by AENOR, the external certified entity certifying its compliance with the International Environmental Standards and Energy Efficiency, as the Standard UNE ISO 50001:2011 of the Energy Management Systems, the standard UNE EN ISO 14001 of Environmental Management Systems and the standard UNE EN ISO 14064 of the Inventory of greenhouse emissions.


We raise awareness to our people on a regular basis. We conduct a monthly monitoring on efficient driving of drivers, delivering training resources when needed.



We comply with our commitment.


Each commitment included in this Chart is linked to an indicator measuring

its compliance degree. The monitoring and measurement of the defined indicators will be done on a regular basis, and

the company will announce the final results yearly to users on the website



Applicable regulation


• Regulation CE N, 1370/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 on public passenger transport services by rail and by road and repealing Council Regulations (EEC) Nos 1191/69 and (CEE) No 1107/70

• Regulation CE No 561/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2006 on the harmonisation of certain social legislation relating to road transport and amending Council Regulations (EEC) No 3821/85 and (EC) No 2135/98 and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85

• Law 16/1987 of 30 July, Regulation of the Law on Land Transport. 

• Royal Decree 1211/1990 of 28 September, Regulation of the Law on Land Transport approved.

• Royal Decree 1428/2003, of 21 November, approving the General Traffic Regulations. 

• Royal Decree 1575/1989 of 22 December, Obligatory Travel Insurance for Passengers approved.

• Regulation on the Public Service of Urban Transport for Passengers by Bus of the City of Bilbao, “Bilbobus”.

• It is applicable the regulation referenced in the previous section, together with the general conditions applicable to the tickets sold by ALSA.




Rights and liabilities of passengers


Rights and liabilities of users are set in the Regulation on the Public Service of Urban Transport for Passengers by Bus of the City of Bilbao, “Bilbobus”.



Measures of compensation and/or correction applicable


- We promptly address their claims and concerns within a 15 working day deadline since its reception.

- Compensations are given according to the conditions set.

- A letter of apology is sent and/or customised calls, according to the ALSA service standards.



Contact with us.


For further information or to provide your feedback on this Charter for Services, 

please use any of our channels:

• By phone, 24/7 service: 94 685 50 00 (94 479 09 81 out of in-person opening ours). 

• In person at the customer service office located at Calle Licenciado Pozas, service provided in Spanish, Basque and English. Opening Hours from Monday to Friday: 7.30-20.00, Saturdays: 9.00-14.00.

• Via e-mail:



Submission of claims, suggestions and complaints.


• By phone, 24/7 service: 94 685 50 00 (94 479 09 81 out of in-person opening ours). 

• In person at the customer service office located at Calle Licenciado Pozas, service provided in Spanish, Basque and English. Opening Hours from Monday to Friday: 7.30-20.00, Saturdays: 9.00-14.00.

• Social media BILBOBUS (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram).

• Via e-mail:

• On board any of our buses.

First Edition 01/01/2021
Last Edition 03/03/2023
Valid Until 01/03/2024



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